Contact Boy Scouts of California
For much of the 20th Century, the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) had a squeaky clean public image. In fact, participation in the Boy Scouts was considered to be almost a rite of passage for the average American male. In the last few decades, however, a number of ugly and startling facts regarding the history and prevalence of youth sex abuse within that organization have been brought to light.
Like many other organizations and institutions where adults can have close, unsupervised contact with children, the BSA attracts sexual predators and probably more than most, due to privacy and control afforded by "ordinary" scouting activities such as camping.
We now know for instance that the BSA has been dismissing suspected child abusers for most of the last century. We also know that in many cases, those dismissals only came after the BSA could no longer ignore clear warning signs that should have been investigated sooner.
At the Law Offices of Joseph C. George, Ph.D. we have been obtaining justice and compensation for survivors of childhood sexual abuse since 1986. Our success is due in part to our experience and limited focus on these cases, but also to the psychologist's education, training and work history that attorney Dr. Joseph C. George brings to our practice. In many cases, in fact, his understanding of the emotional and psychological injuries associated with childhood sexual abuse has made all the difference for our clients.
Free, Confidential Case Evaluation by a
Lawyer Who Is Also a Clinical Psychologist
Servicios de Traducción en Español Disponibles
If you were sexually abused by a Boy Scout troop leader, know that it wasn't your fault and that today you have the power to do something about it and reclaim your own life. You can be as involved in the legal process as you want; you can even choose to remain anonymous during litigation, should a trial be necessary.
To schedule a private meeting, call our toll free California number (888-463-5570) at any time, day or night — or contact our Los Angeles and Sacramento boy scout victim attorneys online.