Boy Scouts of California Circle Ten Council
2026 Mill Creek Road, Pottsboro, TX 75076
2017 Courses
NYLT Brochure can be found here.
Session 1 - Spring
March 13-18, 2017 at Camp James Ray
Session 2 - Summer
July 10-15, 2017 at Camp James Ray
Session 3 - Summer
July 11-16, 2017 at Camp James Ray
Session 4 - Summer
July 17-22, 2017 at Camp James Ray
Session 5 - Summer
July 18-23, 2017 at Camp James Ray
Session 6 - Winter
December 26-31, 2017 at Camp James Ray
To sign up to attend or to staff an NYLT course,
Required forms and paperwork can be found here. Event payment can be made on CampMaster January 1, 2017.
National Youth Leadership Training is an intense, 5 ½ day, outdoor leadership training experience for youth troop, team and crew leaders. The course goal is to prepare young men and women to become superior leaders in their troop, crew, district, council, and other organizations they belong to now, and in the future.
Participants learn to use current corporate leadership skills within the framework of the Scout Oath and Scout Law. BSA National carefully developed the NYLT curriculum with input from current corporate trainers, the United States Air Force Academy, and others in the training community. When regional pilot courses of NYLT were completed, Wood Badge for the 21st Century (advanced adult leadership training), was aligned to the NYLT Course Syllabus. Graduates of this program become senior leaders in their troop, team, and crew; as well as in their schools, churches, and communities.
The course is led and taught by some of the best youth leaders in the council; all of whom are graduates of the NYLT program and typically have staffed multiple courses. The adult advisors who assist the Youth Staff are Wood Badge-trained with extensive experience in training programs.
Requirements for Participants
Boy Scout Participants
- Minimum age 13
- Minimum First Class Rank
- Completed Troop Leadership Training (formerly Junior Leadership Training)
- Hold a Troop level leadership position
- Scoutmaster Approval
- Parent Permission
Venturing Participants
- Crew membership
- Completed Venturing Leadership Skills Course (VLSC)
- Hold a Crew level leadership position
- Advisor approval