Jobs with Boy Scouts of California

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. – 3/24/16 – Thousands of cub scouts and boy scouts have been and continue to be violently sodomized by "gay" scout masters who are driven by such fierce lust for little boys that they cannot control themselves.
They take jobs such as that of scout leader in order to have easy access to vulnerable little kids that they can take on unsupervised camping trips, or even, as one scout leader famously did, invited scout members to spend the night in his home. And naïve parents allowed their little boys to go. One case in particular happened in Salinas, California.
John Brockdorf, Scoutmaster of Cub Scout Troop 62, was able to take a little boy home with him, sexualized him so violently that it tore the little boy's rectum, exposing raw nerves, leaving him in excruciating pain. He cried when he went to the bathroom because of that tear in his rectum which never healed.
However, that little boy never told his parents since his parents always considered him at fault no matter what happened. And don't think Brockdorf did not see this. He took full advantage. He sensed that his parents would do nothing because the little boy could not talk to them. That is how these wretched people operate. They are clever.
In a country led by Obama, the biggest advocate of the LGBT sub-society, it is no wonder that this could take place, providing unprecedented access to children by pedophiles. Obama has bathed the White House in rainbow colors to celebrate the Supreme Court ruling that same-sex marriage was a "right, " and invited these deviants to The White House.
It should be no surprise that last week The Missouri Supreme Court ruled that the organization, The Boy Scouts of America, cannot be sued in any case of a cub or Boy Scout molested and raped by a "gay" scoutmaster.
In that cockeyed ruling, the magistrates ruled that state law only allows for lawsuits against the perpetrators but certainly not corporations or associations. WHOA! HOLD ON: It was the very corporation and association called The Boy Scouts of America that lifted the BAN of homosexuals becoming scoutmasters, opening to door for kids to be exposed to them. THEY are the ones who provided this buffet for sexual misfits to have their banquet.
Had that ban not been lifted, the depraved would not have had close access to these kids. The Boy Scouts of America is indeed totally responsible for bringing in these twisted mental cases, which put every vulnerable little boy in their care at risk. BSA is the organization that created that environment where little boys could be molested and raped. And they are not responsible? Something is very wrong with this picture.