Boy Scouts of California Cascade Pacific Council
Cascade Pacific Council offers members many outstanding camps, and is recognized nationally as a leader in Scout camping facilities and programs. Each summer the council offers fourteen day camps, five overnight camps, a youth leader training camp, and numerous high adventure offerings. During the 'Second Season' when camp is over, the council manages twelve outdoor properties which are utlized year-round for unit camping, district and council activities, and guest group events.
Cub Scout Summer Camps
Fulfilling the promise. We have some very unique opportunities in our council for our Cub Scouts to experience multiple camps and their camp programs during the summer and throughout the school year. Our camps are planned to serve specific ages so that boys progress from camp to camp as they grow and their interests change. This progression also gives them a variety of camp experiences from summer to summer. Each camp is designed to best suit the recommended age groups and their abilities. This list is just a recommendation, but we encourage each family to figure out what fits best with their family circumstances. For some families, our new "All-Pack Camping" might just be the best solution for you!
Recommended for incoming Tigers (just graduated Kindergarten). Themes rotate every five years, so the boys will have a new experience every time! The camps run 5 days a week during the daylight hours. Mid-Columbia Day Camp runs "twilight" hours from approximately 5:00-9:00pm.
Recommended for Wolves and Bears (just finishing 1st and 2nd Grade). This western-themed overnight camp will intriue the imaginations of our younger Cub Scouts. The camp is 3 days, 2 nights.
Recommended for Webelos (just finishing 3rd and 4th Grade). Camp Clark gives your Scout a full week (five night) camping experience which helps get them ready to join Boy Scouts, and the program is designed to help Webelos start learning basic Scouting skills in preparation for the Boy Scout program.
All Pack Sessions: Recommended for Smaller Packs. Both Butte Creek and Camp Clark offer sessions for entire packs in order to accomidate smaller units with fewer adult leaders. Programs will be altered slightly to accomodate the larger age range. Details for the All Pack sessions at each camp can be found on their respective webpages.
Older Scout Summer Camps
Week-long Resident Camp: Recommended for all Boy Scouts (Scouts that have crossed over from Webelos through 12th Grade). Each of our four Boy Scout Camps hosts unique programs. Click on the individual camps for more details:
(LDS Scouts in the primary that have completed Cub Scouts). All of the Boy Scout resident camps will be having special programs for the 11 Year Olds in your LDS troop on Wednesday nights. These overnighters offer Scout skills and activities focused on requirements for Scout, Tenderfoot, Second Class and First Class ranks...all the basic Scout skills that every new Scout needs to learn.
Making a Reservation
Select the camp you wish to make a reservation for in either the page above or the menu on the right. To register for any Cub Scout Day Camp, please click on Day Camps and select your specific day camp on the following page. You will be able to check on camp availability, camp dates, and camp fees from each camps page. Reservations are now being taken for 2016 Boy Scout summer camp and all 2015 summer camps.