Number of Boy Scouts in California
Once again, Utah takes the crown.
No state produced more Eagle Scouts in 2015 than Utah. Thanks in large part to the strong support Scouting receives from the LDS church there, 5, 765 young men became Eagle Scouts in Utah in 2015.
Utah is No. 1 on the list for at least the seventh year in a row. That’s every year since 2009 — the first year for which detailed Eagle Scout statistics were made available to me.
California, Texas, Pennsylvania and North Carolina round out 2015’s top 5. See the complete list — 1 to 50 — below.
1 Utah 5, 765 2 California 4, 887 3 Texas 4, 125 4 Pennsylvania 2, 378 5 North Carolina 2, 066 6 Virginia 2, 035 7 New York 1, 949 8 Ohio 1, 834 9 Illinois 1, 663 10 Arizona 1, 632 11 Florida 1, 632 12 Georgia 1, 560 13 New Jersey 1, 485 14 Missouri 1, 417 15 Washington 1, 371 16 Idaho 1, 309 17 Michigan 1, 213 18 Maryland 1, 106 19 Minnesota 1, 037 20 Colorado 999 21 Massachusetts 975 22 Kentucky 952 23 Wisconsin 921 24 Tennessee 907 25 Indiana 882 26 Oregon 677 27 Connecticut 663 28 Kansas 647 29 South Carolina 629 30 Alabama 573 31 Nevada 557 32 Iowa 554 33 Oklahoma 484 34 Nebraska 384 35 Louisiana 351 36 Mississippi 349 37 Arkansas 260 38 Rhode Island 246 39 Hawaii 236 40 New Mexico 218 41 New Hampshire 190 42 West Virginia 190 43 Montana 177 44 Maine 169 45 Wyoming 153 46 South Dakota 134 47 Alaska 132 48 Delaware 119 49 North Dakota 99 50 Vermont 82But wait! It’s not really fair to look at these numbers without adjusting for population. I mean, of course more young men will become Eagle Scouts in the nation’s most-populous state (California) than in its least-populous (Wyoming).
So …
Which state had the most Eagle Scouts in 2015 after adjusting for population?
Utah tops this list as well, but the population-adjusted numbers move these states into the top 10: Idaho, Wyoming, Missouri, Rhode Island, Kansas and Kentucky.