Boy Scout Camps in California
13630 Aqueduct-Volcano Road, Pine Grove, CA. 95665
PH: 209-296-7581
Camp Staff
See facts and figures section
Facts and figures
Total Staff (CDCR) 2009: 34
Total Staffing (CAL-FIRE/LAC) 2009: 15
Camp Products
- Boughs
- Cement Tables
- Wood Clocks
Community service projects
- Amador City Creek
- Amador County Corporation Yard
- Amador County Fairgrounds
- Amador County Landfill (Dump)
- Amador County Schools
- Amador County Various Cities - Boughs
- Amador County Water Agency
- Amador High School
- Amador Park - Amador City
- Amador Pines VMP
- Amador Ranger Station - USFS Silver Dr
- Amador School District - Buses
- Antelope VMP
- Aqueduct Cemetery
- Argonaut High School
- Bear River - Boy Scout Camp
- Bear River Reservoir
- Cal Trans
- Calaveras Women's Shelter
- Camp Bridge
- Cat Creek
- CDF Fire Academy
- Chance VMP
- City of Ione
- City of Sutter Creek
- Cole Creek
- Cosumnes VMP
- County Roads
- Dew Drop FFS
- El Dorado FS
- El Dorado Hills - Training- Spring Exercise
- Elks Lodge - Jackson
- Fiddletown Cemetery
- Fiddletown FFS
- Fiddletown Park
- Fiddletown School
- Fiddletown Town Hall
- Fiddletown VMP
- Gayla Manor
- Golden Valley Camp
- Governor's Mansion
- Grizzly Flat
- Howard Park
- Independence High School
- Indian Grinding Rock State Park
- Ione / Buena Visa - Brickyard
- Ione Elementary School
- Ione / Preston
- Ione VFD
- Italian Picnic Grounds
- Jackson City Fire Department
- Jackson Creek
- Jackson Elementary School
- Jackson Head Start
- Jackson Jr. High School
- Jackson Valley VFD
- Kennedy Mine
- Kingsford
- Kirkpatrick VMP
- Marble Valley
- Mokelumne Day Use (Wallace)
- Mokelumne Office East Bay Municipal
- Mokelumne School
- Molly Joyce Park
- Mt. Zion FFS
- Mt. Zion VMP
- North Shore Camanche
- Omo - Garibaldi VMP
- Omo Ranch
- Omo Ranch VMP
- Paloma - East Bay Municipal
- Panther Ridge
- Pardee
- Pardee Bridge
- Peddler Hill
- Pi Pi Valley
- Pine Acres VMP
- Pine Grove Cemetery
- Pine Grove Elementary School
- Pine Grove Park
- Pine Grove Town Hall
- Pine Grove Town -Seeding
- Pine Lodge FFS
- Pioneer Elementary School
- Pioneer Fire District
- Pioneer FS
- Pioneer Library
- Pioneer Park
- Pioneer Post Office
- Plymouth
- Plymouth Cemetery
- Plymouth Ditch
- Plymouth School
- Rancho Seco
- River Pines
- Schneider VMP
- Shake VMP
- Shenandoah Valley
- Sherwood VMP
- South Shore Camanche
- South Shore Camanche - Hatchery
- St. Sava Mission
- Stoney Creek
- Summit Camp
- Sunny Brook VMP
- Sutter Creek
- Sutter Creek Cemetery
- Sutter Creek Elementary School
- Sutter Creek Lion's Park
- Sutter Highlands
- Sutter Hill Airport
- Sutter Hill FFS
- Sutter Hill Food Bank
- Van Vleck VMP
- Various Agencies - Cement Tables
- Volcano Cemetery
- Volcano Outdoor Theater
- Volcano Park
- Volcano Town Hall
- West Point FFS
Camp History
Pine Grove Conservation Camp is located in a small valley along Grass Valley Creek, two miles east of Pine Grove, Amador County, in the heart of the historic Mother Lode.
Pine Grove was the first of six Youth Conservation Camps dedicated to the rehabilitation of our young men and the conservation of California’s natural resources. Pine Grove Camp opened in 1945 and is the oldest fire camp in continuous operation in the country. The camp is operated jointly by the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CALFIRE) and the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, Division of Juvenile Justice (CDCR-DJJ) and presently houses 80 wards, ranging in age from 18 to 24 years old.
Formalized Substance Abuse Counseling
Learning how to live a life free of substance abuse and non-criminal thinking is the goal of this program. Small group counseling emphasizing life style positive changes, drug education classes, relapse management, domestic violence, and conflict resolution are also conducted.
Weekly Small Group Counseling
Life skills, decision making skills, defense strategies, parole plans and life plans are issues addressed in small groups. Through group interaction and counseling, wards learn how to be successful on parole.
Gang Awareness
Wards gain a better understanding of themselves and why they joined a gang. They discover positive alternatives to avoid returning to a gang lifestyle.
Victim Awareness
Victim’s issues are presented in order to raise the ward’s level of awareness concerning the impact of crime on victims (now called Special Victim’s Unit).
Anger Management
Wards develop coping skills to deal with stress pressures of every day life. These include YOGA, a joining of Mind, Body, and breath for volunteers wanting to stretch, and relaxation practices.
Wards learn models for effective parenting.
Wounded Inner Child
Discovery/Healing of the world of the Wounded Child within.
Pre-Parole Program
Wards obtain a list of jobs and phone numbers in their community for follow up job opportunities upon parole, learn to create resumes, and perform mock interview.
High School Diploma
Calif. High School Proficiency Exam
Skills Improvement (I.A.S.A.)
Resource Program
Special Education
Community College Courses
Employability Skills
Community Volunteer and Peer Tutors
Journalism and Creative Writing
Computer Literacy
Fire Fighting
Community Service Crew
Food Service
Posse: Drug presentation to schools and community groups by wards using puppet shows, skits, rap music and straight talk.
Toastmasters Club: Wards learn the art of communication and leadership through this international public speaking program.
Religious Services: Various outside groups offer religious support and instruction by conducting meetings and special events.