February 4, 2018

Boy Scout summer Camps in California
Circle V Ranch Camp was founded by the Society of St. Vincent de Paul Council of Los Angeles in 1945 in the Big Pines area of the Los Angeles National Forest. From 1954-1990, the Society leased several different locations for its summer camp program around Southern California. In 1990, the Society purchased Circle V Ranch (previously owned by the Boy Scouts) on 30 acres in the Los Padres National Forest in the beautiful Santa Ynez Valley, just 20 minutes from Santa Barbara.
Today, as then, the primary goal of the Circle V Ranch summer camp program is to develop a strong spiritual, physical, mental, and social character in participating youth through a variety of activities and encounters with positive role models. Circle V Ranch Camp provides innovative and enriching outdoor experiences that build self-esteem, expand knowledge and appreciation of others, nature and God. Programs revolve around the ranch brand, the Circle V (for St. Vincent), which