California Girl Scout Cookies
When you buy delicious Girl Scout Cookies, you’re helping to power new, unique, and amazing experiences for girls—experiences that broaden their worlds, help them learn essential life skills, and prepare them to practice a lifetime of leadership. And guess what—100 percent of the money stays local!
Your cookie purchase not only supports girls’ success, but helps them find the G.I.R.L. (Go-getter, Innovator, Risk-taker, Leader)™ within to do amazing things for themselves and for their communities.
Girls Learn the “5 Skills”
Our cookies are on a mission: to help girls learn five skills that are essential to leadership, to success, and to life.
Skill #1—Goal Setting
"I know I can do it!"
“We're all about trying new things and having fun. Selling cookies is about both. My friends and I work together to set our team goal for the season; maybe we'll donate to our local animal hospital or go on an adventure. Sure, selling the cookies is great. But what we do with the money we earn is even greater.”
Skill #2—Decision Making
"I make smarter decisions."
“When I sell cookies with my Girl Scout forever friends, we make our own decisions, like how many boxes we want to sell. We all have to agree on what we'll do with the money, which means talking it out and being okay not getting our way sometimes. And we have to figure out how to solve problems, like what to do when one of the girls is sick and can't help out. Our decisions matter.”
Skill #3—Money Management
"I make change happen!"
“It's cool that I get to make change when someone buys cookies. I'm really careful about it. I count it out twice, so I know it's totally right. And I know each box sold gets us one step closer to our goal.”
Skill #4—People Skills
"I get a lifetime supply of confidence in every box."
“I've met so many new people at our cookie booth. And I've gotten really good at chatting with them about how we are doing more than just selling Girl Scout Cookies. We’re earning money to achieve our cookie-season goals and do great things.”
Skill #5—Business Ethics
"Selling cookies is more than just business."
“The other day at the cookie booth I made my friend's mom laugh really hard and she totally forgot her change. I made sure she got it back. She was so impressed she bought another box of cookies. Now I'm even closer to reaching my goal for robotics camp.”