Girl Scouts of Central California South
Welcome to the official online store of Girl Scouts of Central California South! Your purchase here helps our council earn revenue that provides programs and training for more than 10, 000 girls and 2, 500 adults in Fresno, Madera, Kings, Tulare and Kern Counties. Our council offers this online shopping opportunity, and two retail store locations in Fresno and Bakersfield to support girls’ needs for uniforms, insignia, and our council’s own merchandise. The Gold Mine retail store locations do NOT carry everything offered online. For more information on what’s available in-store, please contact our retail stores.
The Girl Scout mission is to build girls of courage, confidence and character through programs that focus on science, technology, financial literacy, health, the arts, outdoor activities and environmental awareness. Girls gain practical life skills that empower them to discover, connect and take action to make the world a better place. To learn more about our council, how to donate or how to volunteer, visit