Boy Scout California High Adventure Ideas

The Mickman Brothers wreath fundraiser was a huge success and we raised over $1, 000! That money allowed the theatre booster club to award two $500 college scholarships to two very deserving senior theatre students.
We are so excited about all the blessings that our theatre group has had and so grateful for the opportunities that the Mickman Brothers fundraisers have brought us.
Thank you so much!
Jennifer M., President
This is the simplest fundraiser to sell! Quality product and very satisfied customers bring people back year after year to order again and again. It is as simple as that. Most of our customers come to us to place their order early, that is how well liked the product is in this area. The profits help defray costs for the individuals on our competitive team for uniforms, gymnastic meet expenses, equipment and supplies.
SUMMER FUN in San Diego and CHRISTMAS WREATHS wouldn't normally be found in the same paragraph, but our experience fundraising with Mickman's Wreaths has made it happen.
This was our FIRST YEAR selling Christmas wreaths for our boy scout troop and we wanted to pick a reputable company that would maximize money coming in to our fundraiser. Mickman came in #1 as our choice.
Ok, there was one problem though . . . . . When other people saw how awesome the wreaths, living trees, and candle centerpieces were as we were delivering to those who ordered them, they wanted some too. We had a few extras, but we could have sold more. We know we are going to have a bigger and better year coming up.
THANK YOU MICKMAN for a successful fundraiser! Can't wait to do it all over again this year.
It is September 1, 2013 and the high today in Phoenix is forecast to be 105 degrees, not exactly the type of weather that evokes Christmas. But members of Boy Scout Troop 379 – and our repeat customers – are already asking when we will begin taking orders for Christmas wreaths and decorations We aren’t just selling wreaths, we’re selling nostalgia and tradition.
Over the past several years, our Scouts have earned more than $15, 000 to help defray the costs of summer camp in places like Seattle, Connecticut and California; high-adventure trips to hike the Grand Canyon and canoe the Colorado River; and cover the costs of Troop dues and other related expenses. This is one of the simplest and most successful fundraisers available.
Troop 379 and Arizona love Mickman Brothers!
If it was not for this fundraiser for our Pack we could not do most of the things we need to do. Like training our Leaders for the Scouts. We need to be Leader specific every year and Youth Protected every 2 Years. This pays for out Leader to be trained every year. If it was not for this fundraiser we would not be able to pay for this from the Pack the Adults would have to pay for it themselves.
It also pays for our camping and activities. It also helps the Boy’s who cannot afford to join be able to. Without this we would not be able to help the Boy’s join our Pack. It also pays for the Scouts when they earn their yearly rank.
Our Pack is so THANKFUL for this. Without it we would not be able to do what we do to help them become AWSOME citizens.
Thanks so much for all you do to support our Pack.
Committee Chair of Pack 3514