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Boy Scout California camping gear

Troop 57 was founded over 50 years ago in, in the East Bay of the San Francisco Bay Area. As of December 2016, Troop 57 has 41 Scouts, from fifth grade through high school, ages 11-17. Troop 57 is chartered by St. Marks' United Methodist Church on Moraga Way in Orinda, our camping equipment shed is next door at Holy Shepherd Lutheran Church, and we usually hold our meetings at the Orinda Intermediate School's multi-purpose room at 80 Ivy Drive, Orinda. As listed in our "Eagle's Nest Hall of Fame", 136 Scouts from Troop 57 have achieved Scouting's highest rank, Eagle Scout.

Orinda Boy Scout Troop 57 Orinda Intermediate School, Orinda CA

Meeting Schedule - During School Year

  • Weekly Troop 57 meetings are held the first three Tuesdays each month from 7:11pm to 8:30pm. This starting time is a legacy from when the troop used to meet in front of the 7-11 store in Rheem. For many years this was the normal meeting place. Now, the troop meets in the Orinda Intermediate School on Ivy Drive in Orinda. Meeting leaders and patrols conducting the flag ceremony arrive and organize at 7pm. There is no Troop meeting on 4th (and sometimes 5th) weeks.
  • The monthly Troop 57 Patrol Leaders Council (PLC), attended by Patrol Leaders and scouts in leadership roles, meets the fourth Tuesday of each month at the Round Table Pizzeria. At these meetings, the boy leaders plan the Troop's activities, assign roles for leading activities for the coming month's Troop meetings and outings. Scouts bring money for pizza for dinner.
  • The monthly Troop 57 Parents' Troop Committee meets the Thursday following the PLC at 7:30pm at St. Marks' Church on Moraga Way, Orinda, typically after the PLC meeting. All parents are encouraged to attend. This meeting is the coordination point to support the boys for upcoming outings, merit badge advancement, camps, etc.

What to Look for When Joining a Scout Troop

For prospective Scouts and their parents, choosing a Boy Scout Troop is an important decision. Here are 10 questions to ask, or things to notice when visiting troops, to help you make the right decision:

1) Are my boy's friends in the troop? Your son will stay involved in Scouting longer, and have more fun, if his buddies are in the Troop. Sometimes this happens automatically when coming from local Cub Packs. Sometimes, your son might want to ask his friends to join in, or participate in a troop with others from his school. Troop 57 Scouts tend to attend Del Rey Elementary, Glorietta Elementary, Orinda Intermediate School and Miramonte High School in Orinda. We also have Scouts from other nearby towns. Many join Troop 57 from local Cub Scout Pack 52 at Del Rey Elementary and Pack 225 at Glorietta Elementary. Some boys join Troop 57 never having been a Cub Scout - there is not a prerequisite that you must have been a Cub Scout to join Boy Scouts.

2) Does the Troop have the same values and beliefs as my family? All Boy Scout Troops are chartered by a community organization, civic organization or church. We are chartered by St. Marks' United Methodist Church, are non-denominational and hold Troop Meetings at a Orinda Intermediate School. All Scouts in all troops are trained to respect the beliefs of others (as part of the Scout Law). Troop 57 welcomes any boy willing to try to live by the Scout Oath and Scout Law.

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