April 3, 2019

Boy Scout California Cooking merit Badge
Camp Lassen is located at located at:
21359 Scout Road
Forest Ranch, Ca 95942
Camp Lassen is pleased to announce major program and facility improvements for 2016:
- A new outdoor cooking center for the Cooking merit badge, including relocation of the Scoutcraft area.
- Improvements to the Nature building and displays.
- A major Climbing Wall improvement project, including expanding the climbing surface with multiple routes.
- Construction of a new bouldering wall near the volleyball court.
- Remodel of the old North and South restrooms, including private showers.
- Sanitation - Replacement of a very old septic tank (it's not pretty, but it needs to be done!)
Your unit should have Camp Lassen in its sights - either this year or very soon. You are invited to be a part of what will be a premier camping experience for Scouts of all ages in northern California and beyond!
First-year scout program: Eagle's Nest, Rifle Shooting, Archery, Swimming, Arts, Fishing, Crafts, and Nature round out our first year program at Winton. Questions? Contact the Camping Department.