Boy Scout California Camporee Ideas
When are our meetings?
We are active year-round. Troop meetings are held weekly on Mondays from 7:00pm to 8:30pm.
Where are our meetings?
Canyon Creek Church - Gathering Hall
9015 S. Gale Ridge Road, San Ramon 94582
(Southeast corner of Bollinger Canyon and Gale Ridge Roads) See map for a visual.
Who is our Charter Organization?
Troop 201 is currently chartered by: Rotary Club of Dougherty Valley / San Ramon California
Want to know more or interested in joining Troop 201, see sections below.
Who We Are:
Troop 201, chartered in November of 1962 as the first troop in San Ramon, follows a traditional Scouting program centered around the concept of a boy-lead troop. The focus of the program supports the 3 basic aims of Scouting: Character Development, Citizenship Training, Mental and Physical Fitness
The program is centered around outdoor activities and demonstrates the Scout philosophy of "Prepared for Life." Every scout in the troop has ample opportunity to learn and practice leadership skills, and to enjoy the fun of being a productive member of a team.
Scouting is especially successful in developing self-reliance, self-discipline, self-confidence, and self-respect, fundamental components of character. The ideals of Boy Scouting are spelled out in the Scout Oath, the Scout Law, the Scout motto, and the Scout slogan. The Boy Scout measures himself against these ideals and continually tries to improve. The goals are high, and as he reaches for them, he has some control over what and who he becomes.
What We Do:
Weekly troop meetings are a blend of activity planning, advancement activities, games, camaraderie, and just plain fun!
There is at least one major outdoor activity each month. Typical activities include overnight campouts, snow camping, ski trips, day hikes, bicycling, the District Camporee, Scout Summer Camp (Wolfeboro), and an annual “50-miler.” Future hopes include taking the troop to Philmont and Northern Tier and returning to Seabase. All of our trips are supervised by leaders trained by BSA.
Program planning and leadership is provided by the Scouts under the guidance of the Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmasters. Our program supports Scouts in all ranks. Most of our Eagle Scouts continue active participation in the Troop, even beyond their eighteenth birthday.
Adult Participation:
The adult leadership includes a blend of experienced and new adults, both among the uniformed leaders and the Troop Committee members. The most successful Scouts are those who are supported by their families. Troop 201 believes all our families have a common interest in seeing our Scouts and the troop succeed. Troop activities require the active support of all troop families.
More About Us:
You can also check out our full troop history and our Eagle Scouts.
Interested in Joining Troop 201?
Boy Scout Program Eligibility:
To be eligible, a boy must be 11 years old; or have completed the fifth grade; or earned the Arrow of Light Award and be at least 10 years old. A boy must not yet be 18 years old.