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Boy Scout California skits for leaders

This Skit has gross parts and is meant for Boy Scouts, Webelos scouts.
Decide for yourself if it is appropriate for your younger scouts or not.


at least 5 scouts


King: I'm hungry! Bring me my Royal Raisins!
1st Peasant: Here, King, are raisins from the lush valleys of California where they make some of the world's best wine.
King: Yuch! These raisins are not fit for my hunting dogs! Bring me my Royal Raisins!
2nd Peasant: Your majesty, from the Champagne valley of France, these raisins are considered the finest in all of Europe.
King: Disgusting! I wouldn't serve these to my worst enemy. I want my Royal Raisins!
3rd Peasant: Oh sire, these raisins have graced the tables of world leaders from the Sultan of Siam to Montezuma himself. They are individually picked from fertile vineyards on the hills along the Rhine river in Germany by monks wearing white satin gloves and using bamboo tweezers imported from China and padded with goose down to protect the grapes and then sun-dried on the whitewashed roof of the highest tower in Castle Wolfenstein.
King: Blech! Even swine would lift their noses at this rot! Where is my royal raisin supplier? Bring him here now!
(the raisin supplier is dragged in by two scouts)
King: Where are my Royal Raisins? Why have you not brought them to me?
Raisin Supplier: (cowering and tearful) I'm so sorry, my King, but my rabbit has died.

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