Boy Scout California Environmental Science merit Badge
Although these workshop fulfill Boy Scout requirements, they are available to all children.
Scouts can work toward a variety of science-related badges at specially designed workshops led by teachers who really know science! The experience promises hands-on fun and learning, too! Meet boys from other troops and enjoy the Science Center’s exciting atmosphere as you make progress on your badges.
Join a scheduled session on your own or with your troop. You can also schedule a private session for any of the workshops we offer with a group of 10 or more Boy Scouts. Call for availability and additional details. Some of our Science Workshops fulfill Scout requirements. Current offerings are listed below.
You can also make progress toward science-related badges by attending a or planning a Carnegie Science Center .
Boy Scout and Webelos Workshops
Have fun discovering and learning about tons of science topics! These workshops may fulfill certain Boy Scout badge requirements; however, all workshops are available to all children.
Badge requirements that will be fulfilled are listed below. Additional badge requirements may need to be completed. A merit badge counselor will sign off on requirements completed during the workshop.
Call 412.237.1637 to register or for more info. Advance registration is required for all programs.
Cost: $20 per session unless otherwise noted
November 12
1 – 4 pm – SOLD OUT
Merit Badge pre-requisites: Boy Scout Astronomy 4C, 5D, 6B
Merit Badge requirements met during workshop: Boy Scout Astronomy 1-3, 4a, b, d, 5a, b, c, 6a, c, d, 7, 8a, 9
November 19
9 am – 4 pm – SOLD OUT
*Participants should bring a bagged lunch.
Cost: $45
Merit Badge requirements met during workshop: Boy Scout Robotics 1-7
December 3
Webelos Adventures in Science
9 am - Noon – SOLD OUT
All Badge Requirements met for Webelos/AOL Elective Adventure: Adventures in Science
December 10
Signs, Signals, and Codes
1 – 4 pm – SOLD OUT
Merit Badge pre-requisites: Boy Scout Signs, Signals, and Codes 7
Merit Badge requirements met during workshop: 1-6, 8-10
January 28
9 am - Noon
Merit Badge pre-requisite: Boy Scout Chemistry 7
Merit Badge requirements met during workshop: Boy Scout Chemistry 1-6
1 – 4 pm
Merit Badge pre-requisite: Boy Scout Weather 10
Merit Badge requirements met during workshop: Boy Scout Weather 1-9, 11
February 4
Robotics – SOLD OUT
9 am – 4 pm
*Participants should bring a bagged lunch.
Cost: $45
Merit Badge requirements met during workshop: Boy Scout Robotics 1-7
February 25
9am - Noon
During this workshop Boy Scouts will visit with real engineers at our annual Engineer the Future weekend event!
Merit Badge Pre-requisites: Boy Scout Engineering 1, 2
Merit Badge Requirements met during workshop: Boy Scout Engineering 3, 4, 5a/5b, 6a/6e, 7, 8, 9
March 11
Webelos Engineering– SOLD OUT
9 am – Noon
All badge requirements met for Webelos/AOL Elective Adventure: Engineer
March 18
Game Design
9 am – 4 pm
*Participants should bring a bagged lunch.
Cost: $45
Merit Badge requirements met during the workshop: Boy Scout Game Design 1-9
March 25
9 am – Noon
During this workshop Boy Scouts will visit with local Amateur Astronomers as part of our annual Space Out! Astronomy Weekend!
Merit Badge pre-requisites: Boy Scout Astronomy 4c, 5d, 6b
Merit Badge requirements met during workshop: Boy Scout Astronomy 1-3, 4a, b, d, 5a, b, c, 6a, c, d, 7, 8a, 9
NEW! Space Exploration
1 - 4 pm
During this workshop Boy Scouts will visit with local Amateur Astronomers as part of our annual Space Out! Astronomy Weekend!
Merit Badge requirements met during workshop: Boy Scout Space Exploration 1-8
April 8
9 am – 4 pm
*Participants should bring a bagged lunch.
Cost: $45
Merit Badge requirements met during workshop: Boy Scout Robotics 1-7
April 22
Environmental Science
9 am - Noon
Merit Badge pre-requisites: Boy Scout Environmental Science 3e, 4
Merit Badge requirements met during workshop: Boy Scout Environmental Science 1, 2, 3a, 3b, 3c, 3d, 3f, 3g, 5, 6
May 13
NEW! Geology
9 am – Noon
Merit Badge requirements met during workshop: Boy Scout Geology 1-5
1 - 4 pm
9 am - Noon
Merit Badge pre-requisite: Boy Scout Oceanography 8