At the Cooking merit badge

Boy Scout California merit Badge Books PDF

Boy Scout advancement policies cover Merit Badges, Summer Camp,
Scout Spirit, Active, Special Needs, Eagle Projects, Scoutmaster Conferences,
Boards of Review, Appeals, Courts of Honor, Time Extensions, and more.

A Merit Badge Day may also be known as a:

⇿ Merit Badge Academy ⇿ Merit Badge Challenge ⇿ Merit Badge Clinic ⇿ Merit Badge College ⇿ Merit Badge Conference
⇿ Merit Badge Camp ⇿ Merit Badge Festival ⇿ Merit Badge Jamboree ⇿ Merit Badge Midway ⇿ Merit Badge Pow Wow
⇿ Merit Badge Seminar ⇿ Merit Badge University ⇿ Merit Badge Weekend ⇿ Merit Badge Workshop

Merit badge days are often hosted by local councils, districts, troops, civic groups, fraternities, or chartered organizations and held at a college campus, high school, civic area or during a camporee. Many merit badge events are held once a year as an indoor, outdoor, or combination event.

The largest merit badge event is the National Jamboree Merit Badge Midway, established at Fort A.P. Hill. Since 1981, this program has been held at each jamboree and is expected to feature hundreds of counselors offering nearly 100 merit badges to thousands of Boy Scouts at the 2010 National Scout Jamboree.

Since 1960, the Utah National Parks Council has sponsored a merit badge event called a Pow Wow. In 1970, the event began partnering officially with Brigham Young University. In 2009, over 4, 300 scouts participated in earning merit badges at the event. In 2010, 32 different merit badges will be offered at this Pow Wow.


A merit badge event lets Scouts learn about sports, crafts, science, trades, business, and future careers. An event may focus on a single merit badge or a variety of fields that might not normally be available. Observatories, planetariums, parks, museums, ships, colleges, universities, as well as police and fire departments may offer special events available only to Scouts and only one day each year. Scouts might learn first-hand from dentists, veterinarians, doctors, lawyers, financial planners, engineers, chemists, artists, astronomers, scientists, firemen, policemen, and other experts.

Merit badge events may also offer training in Scout Skills through First Class with a schedule similar to an Advancement Campout. Adult training, and youth leader training are often offered as well. Regardless of the setting or topics, the goal is to have fun as you learn new skills and gain knowledge.

Often certain requirements must be completed outside of the merit badge event either as preparation or with a merit badge counselor at a later date. A merit badge event may focus on a single merit badge or offer a variety of topics such as:

Merit Badge Requirements and Policies

  • Qualified: "They must be men and women of good character, age 18 or older, and recognized as having the skills and education in the subjects for which they are to serve as merit badge counselors, as well as the ability to work with Scout-age boys. - Advancement Policies #33088, p. 13
  • Registered: "as a merit badge counselor" - Advancement Policies #33088, p. 13
  • Approved: "for each specific merit badge." - Advancement Policies #33088, p. 13
  • Trained: "in the aims of Scouting and in advancement procedures." - Advancement Policies #33088, p. 13
Each Scout is individually tested
  • "In the end, the Scout must be reviewed individually by the counselor to ensure completion of the badges requirements." - Advancement Policies #33088, p. 26
  • "You are expected to meet the requirements as they are stated - no more and no less. You are expected to do exactly what is stated in the requirements." - Boy Scout Requirements p.23
  • "The Scout’s merit badge counselor teaches and tests on the requirements for merit badges. Advancement Policies #33088, p. 24

Each Scout demonstrates the skills and knowledge for each requirement. Many merit badge events use Merit Badge Worksheets to allow Merit Badge Counselors to offer group instruction but still test each Scout individually. The counselor can see who is understanding and who will need more time. Optional worksheets require the Scout to be an active listener, not just hearing words, but showing understanding of concepts.


Many merit badge events follow the Boy Scout Requirements and Advancement Policies. But some merit badge events instead state that it is the merit badge counselor, not the Scout, who is to demonstrate the skills and knowledge. They test the merit badge counselor, not the Scouts.

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