Boy Scout California rank badges
Welcome to Boy Scout Troop 777. We meet at the Northminster Presbyterian Church in Diamond Bar each Tuesday from 7:00 pm until 8:30 pm. Troop 777 provides a well rounded scout program for boys. We have at least one outing a month which is selected by the boy leaders in our troop. The outings include hikes, drive-in campouts, and each year, a snow campout, a military base outing, summer camp and a special week long activity during Easter school break.
Our Troop
Scouting is a boy-run program in Troop 777. And as such, it may appear at times not to be as organized as an adult might run it. But by being given the opportunity to be leaders, the boys become leaders. In order to make sure that our Scouts have the greatest opportunity to mature as leaders and planners, we always encourage parents to become members of Troop 777 and learn what scouting is all about.
Advancement is also an integral part of our Troop program, both indoors and outdoors. The requirement for badges of rank suggest plenty of troop meetings, hikes, and camp activities. As Scouts take part in our Troop programs they learn skills and so are helped to advance. hey don't quite automatically advance through participation, although advancement is a result of participation. Advancement is a personal and individual thing. Each boy advances according to his own interests, abilities, and participation. Each boy advances by personally demonstrating his own capability. He does not advance by being a passive participant in our Troop program.
Joining Requirements
The following information will provide information on the policies of the troop and the needed equipment for each Scout. The Scoutmaster is Mr. Martin Cardenas. He can be reached either by