Boy Scout California Troop activities
UPCOMING TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES Unit Commissioner Training Nov. 5, 2016 Trail to Eagle Orientation Class will be presented Nov. 10, 2016 @ 7: pm at Rountable
If you have an hour a week the first Wednesday of the month join us 6:00 pm.
The district committee is a group of volunteers who manage all of the scouting matters in the High Desert.

Scouting is strong in the High Desert District. We serve over 2000 Scouts through 139 Scouting units. Scouting gives the opportunity to develop good character, enhance mental and physical fitness, and fosters citizenship. This month the California Inland Empire Council kicks off it's annual Friends of Scouting campaign. The Friends of Scouting Campaign provides 100% of the funds, which enable the council to provide many services in support of our Troops, Teams, Crews, and Packs.
Each year the California Inland Empire Council delivers the Scouting program to your son. We would like you to consider giving a gift to help support the program for your son and for a child that can not afford scouting. Any size gift is appreciated. Pledges can be made to your Unit Leader or online.
We greatly appreciate your gift to Scouting. Thank you for making a difference in the lives of our community's youth. Thank you for being a Friend to Scouting.