Boy Scout California Troop meeting games
Troop 87 is a quality troop using the traditional Boy Scout program. Our Scouts come from Mountain View, Palo Alto, Cupertino, Los Altos, and Sunnyvale (California). We have troop meetings on Wednesday evenings, from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m., at the Mountain View Buddhist Temple. The Buddhist Temple is our sponsoring body, but a Scout does not need to be of the Buddhist faith to be a troop member. In fact, less than 10% of the Scouts are members of the Temple. We have a very diverse mix of boys. Parents are encouraged to stay for meetings and are expected to help in some capacity. Many parents find themselves having as much fun as the Scouts!
The first Wednesday of the month, in place of a regular meeting, there is a Troop Leadership Council meeting where the elected Scout leaders plan the troop activities for the next three months. Following the TLC, from 7:00-8:30 p.m., the parents meet to figure out how to do what the boys want to do, among other things. Parent involvement is vital to our troop. There is a vigorous crew of assistant leaders helping our Scouts to succeed, but more help is always welcome.
Troop 87 meets all year round. We go camping, construct Scout-carrying hover craft, build and launch model rockets and airplanes, go kayaking and white water rafting, go skiing and play in the snow, set up and run a Halloween Haunted House, and more. We go biking and rock climbing, sumo wrestle in foam-stuffed cleanroom suits, build LED flashlights, play laser tag, and sometimes we stay up all night and play video games. We earn money to support Troop activities by running a Yaki Soba food booth at the Cupertino Cherry Blossom Festival every spring. Special activities like trips to Washington, D.C., Northern Tier, and Philmont are supported by our annual Chinese chicken salad sale that is held in tandem with the Temple's annual chicken teriyaki dinner box sale.