Boy Scout California field uniform
8. The Guide to Advancement (No. 33088 - latest revision) specifies merit badges which have additional qualifications and certifications required of either the Merit Badge counselor or the person supervising.
General Supervision Requirements – Guide to Advancement No. 33088 (latest revision): Swimming and watercraft activities must be conducted in accordance with BSA Safe Swim Defense or BSA Safety Afloat, respectively, and be supervised by mature and conscientious adults at least 21 years old and trained in the program applicable. Counselors for merit badges involving swimming or the use of watercraft must be so trained, or use others who are. CPR instruction, wherever it is required, must be taught by instructors currently trained by a nationally certified provider. Several such providers are mentioned in the Guide to Safe Scouting.
C. Advancement standards are:
1. The Scout must be reviewed individually by the counselor to ensure that he has met all of the requirements.
2. Partial credit must be given for partial completion of a Merit Badge and the completed requirement(s) must be signed off by the counselor on the Merit Badge application (blue card) by the conclusion of the event.
3. All attending Scouts must bring a Merit Badge application (blue card) with them, signed by their Unit Leader. Fliers and registration materials should urge Scouts to contact a counselor and complete certain requirements prior to the event. Blue cards shall not be issued at the event. (If a Scout does not bring a signed Blue Card, the Scout may not be signed-off at the event.)
4. Units must also provide an Activity Consent Form and Approval by Parents or Legal Guardian form.
Additional Guidelines for Group Merit Badge Day Events
D. Council Advancement Committee application approval should be requested at least 30 days in advance of the event date. The request must include:
1. A completed California Inland Empire Council Application for Group Merit Day with appropriate attachments.
2. Proposed publicity flier(s) showing the date, location, times, Merit Badges offered and permission slip with consent to treat a minor (see C.4). No fliers or other publicity may happen prior to approval by the California Inland Empire Council Advancement Committee and the Council Advancement Committee Advisor.