September 5, 2019

First Class Boy Scouts California Badge
span the BSA's 100-year history.
Overview of early history
- 1916 Congress grants the Boy Scouts of America a federal charter.
- 1920 The First World Jamboree is held in England; Boy Scouts from 32 of 52 countries are present. The Boy Scouts of America sends 301 members.
- 1965 Eagle Scout Service Project requirement added to Eagle Scout Rank
1910 1911- The Scout Oath, Scout Law, badges, and fundamental policies are adopted.
- The first awards for heroism are presented by the National Court of Honor.
- By 1912, Scouts are enrolled in every state.
- The first Eagle Scout Award is earned by Arthur Eldred in Troop 1 in Oceanside, New York. A few weeks after becoming the first Eagle Scout, Eldred helps save another Scout from drowning and is awarded the Honor Medal for his actions.
- Norman Rockwell is hired as an illustrator for Boys' Life magazine. He is soon promoted to art director.
- Scouting, the official magazine for Scouters, is first published.
- Congress grants the Boy Scouts of America a federal charter on June 15, giving special protection to the name and insignia and limiting membership to American citizens.
- World War I: From 1917 to 1918, Scouts sell 2, 350, 977 Liberty Loan bonds and war savings stamps and distribute over 300 million pieces of government literature.
1920 1924- The Every Scout a Swimmer program is inaugurated.
- The first achievement badges are earned by physically disabled Scouts.
- The Lone Scouts of America merges with the Boy Scouts of America.
- The National Council office moves to 2 Park Avenue, New York City.
- Sea Scout Paul A. Siple accompanies Commander Richard E. Byrd to the Antarctic.
1930 1931 1934 1935- Membership in the Boy Scouts of America passes the 1 million mark.
- Philturn Rockymountain Scoutcamp opens for advanced Scout camping.
1941- With the declaration of war, the government requests Boy Scout service for the distribution of defense bonds and stamp posters; collection of aluminum and wastepaper; defense housing surveys; victory gardens; distribution of air-raid posters; cooperation with the American Red Cross; and, by joint agreement with the Office of Civil and Defense Mobilization, services in three capacities-messengers, assisting emergency medical units, and firewatchers.
- Waite Phillips makes another large gift-land, residence and ranch buildings, livestock, operating ranch equipment-contiguous to Philturn Rockymountain Scoutcamp, bringing total acreage to more than 127, 000 acres. The area is renamed Philmont Scout Ranch.
- Scouts continue in war service. Twenty-eight projects are requested by the government, including the collection of 30 million pounds of rubber in a two-week drive; all-out salvage based on the government-issued pamphlet Scrap and How Scouts Collect It; distribution of pledge cards for war bonds and savings stamps; victory gardens; work on farms and in harvest camps; and government dispatch bearers.
- The total Boy Scout war service includes 69 requests from the government during 1941 through 1945.
- Twenty thousand Scouts earn the General Douglas MacArthur Medal for growing food.
1950- Philmont Scout Ranch begins offering training courses at the Philmont Training Center.
- The U.S. Post Office Department issues the first Boy Scout stamp.
1960 1962 1964 1965 1967- The Boy Scouts of America hosts the 12th World Jamboree at Farragut State Park, Idaho.
- Eagle Scout Roger B. Chaffee dies in the Apollo 1 fire.
1970- Eagle Scout Jim Lovell safely returns the damaged Apollo 13 space ship to earth.
- Project SOAR (Save Our American Resources) is initiated as an ongoing BSA service project. It is estimated that during the year, 60, 000 BSA units take part in SOAR-related conservation projects.
- September 1972 saw the launch of the Improved Scouting Program. The number of required merit badges for Eagle Scout was increased to 24.
- Eagle Scout Sam Nunn] is elected as a US Senator from Georgia.
- Eagle Scout Gerald R. Ford becomes the 38th President of the United States.
- Scouting Environment Day is held April 27.
- The Cub Scout Safe Bicycle Driving program and Cub Scout Physical Fitness program are introduced.
- New Scout merit badges are introduced for Orienteering and Wilderness Survival.
- The national office is moved to Irving, Texas, after 25 years in New Jersey.
- New editions of The Official Boy Scout Handbook and Wolf Cub Scout Book are published.
1980- Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, and Explorers pass out fliers across the country urging participation in the 1980 National Census.
- Cub Scouting celebrates its 50th anniversary and registers its 30 millionth Cub Scout since 1930.
- When Life Scout [2]'s Microsoft goes public, a reporter asked, "What is your biggest failure?", Gates is purported to have replied, "I am a Life Scout."
- Eagle Scout and Massachusetts Governor Michael Dukakis runs for President.
- The first annual Scouting for Food drive collects more than 65 million containers of food.
1990- Eagle Scout and Academy Award winning direct Steven Spielberg helps the BSA develop Cinematography Merit Badge.
- Pope John Paul II is presented with the BSA's Distinguished Citizen of the World Commendation.
- Eagle Scout Ross Perot runs for President.
- Scouts collect food and clothing, and offer a helping hand in the wake of Hurricane Andrew.
- The Scouting movement in the former Soviet Union turns to the BSA for help in producing the first Russian Scout handbook; 20, 000 copies are distributed.
- August 1, 1998, Exploring becomes the the new Venturing Program. The name Exploring is now used for a Learning for Life program. Venturing quickly becomes the fastest growing Scouting program.
- Scouts collect more than 41 million cans of food to help feed the hungry.
2000- The Boy Scouts of America celebrates its 90th anniversary as the 100 millionth youth is registered.
- Eagle Scout Steve Fossett becomes the first person to fly around the world alone, nonstop, in a balloon.
- The National Scouting Museum reopens in a new 50, 000-square-foot facility next door to the National Council office in Irving, Texas.
- Hundredth year anniversery of the Boy Scouts of America.
- The Order of the Arrow will celebrate its 100th year anniversary.