Boy Scouts California Store Doylestown PA
Boom Boom Ain't it Great to Be Crazy?
Boom boom ain't it great to be crazy,
Boom boom ain't it great to be nuts like us,
Silly and foolish the whole day long,
Boom boom ain't it great to be crazy?
Verse 1
Horse, flea, three blind mice,
Sittin' on the ceiling playing dice,
Horse slipped fell on the flea,
"Whoops" said the flea, "there's a horsey on me!"
Verse 2: Man bought a pair of combination underwear,
Wore them six months without a single tear,
Wore them six months without exaggeration,
Couldn't get them off 'cause he forgot the combination!
There was another verse which was actually verse 2, with the combination underwear verse being the third verse, but I cannot remember that one! We really enjoyed belting out this one when we could stop giggling long enough to actually sing it! Thanks for bringing back the memory.
Get your elbows of the table - (name of person)
We have seen you do it twice
And it isn't very nice
Get your elbows off the table (Name)
Various other body parts follow...
Bob Burgan, Claremont, CA
I learned this song as a Boy Scout in New Cumberland, PA. I don't know where it came from or any tune that it matches but every now and then I still find myself singing it aloud much to the amusement of my wife...
The Quartermaster's Store
There are mice (mice) running through the rice at the store, at the store.
There are mice (mice) running through the rice at the Quartermaster's Store.
My eyes are dim. I can not see. I have not brought my specs with me.
I have not brought my specs (specs) with (with) me (me).
There are snakes (snakes) as long as garden rakes at the store, at the store.
There are snakes (snakes) as long as garden rakes at the Quartermaster's
It would go on with as many rhymes you could think of, rats as big as wine vats.
Joseph V. Capuano, Jr., Ypsilanti, MI
Sung to the tune: My Bonnie
Oh, rabbits have bright, shiny noses,
I'm telling you this as a friend.
The reason their noses are shiny,
the powder puff's on the wrong end!
Wrong end, wrong end,
the powder puff's on the wrong end, wrong end.
Wrong end, wrong end,
the powder puff's on the wrong end!
I learned this song while volunteering with the U.S.A. Girl Scouts Overseas at Ramstein Air Force Base, Germany. It is one of many, many songs I have learned since then.
J. Olesen-Jensen, Militarily Displaced Minnesotan, Moody AFB, Georgia
Running over, running over *
My cup is full and running over*
Since the Lord loves me,
I'm as happy as can be! **
My cup*** is full and* running over.
Motions to song
* hands in front rolling - rolling - rolling
** fling arms in the air & jump around like a jelly bean
*** cup hands
The motions are very important!!!
I sang this at Bible school in the basement of the Methodist church in Doylestown, Pa in the late 50s. (I didn't GO to camp - too scared to leave home - does it COUNT? you asked for camp songs ). In retrospect the song is a "little" enthusiastic for Methodists; however, the term "chosen frozen" never crossed my path until I attended a Presbyterian church as an adult . I still sing it with little kids and they LOVE it - children love to jump around! and so do we!!!
(not related - Paul Griffin submitted a song to the tune of the Stars & Stripes Forever "Be kind to your web footed friend, for a duck may be somebody's mother . etc."). I didn't know anyone else knew it - thought I had made it up in a dream.
Jean Porochonski
As kids, we loved to visit my great-uncle's farm in southeast Kansas. My family went there one summer to meet up with uncles, aunts and cousins from California and Oregon. Six of us kids were between the ages of seven and eleven - the perfect ages for songs about underwear and bodily functions. Besides teaching my brother and me how to speak while burping, our west coast cousins taught us this song:
Floating Down the Delaware
Here comes (name of person)
Floating down the Delaware
Chewing on their underwear
Looking for another pair
Three days later
Bitten by a polar bear
Poor old polar bear died.
The song became a staple in my family's repertoire and I'm diligently teaching it to my nieces and nephews.
Lori Sturges, Wichita, Kansas
Rise and Shine
(Sung to Rise and Shine)
CHORUS: (sung between each verse)
Oh, rise and shine and give Him the glory, glory,
Rise and shine and give Him the glory, glory,
Rise and shine and give Him the glory, glory,
Children of the Lord.
Old Noah, he built him, he built him an arky, arky,
Noah, he built him, he built him an arky, arky,
Built it out of birchy barky, barky
Children of the Lord.
The animals, they came in, they came in by twosies, twosies,
Animals, they came in, they came in by twosies, twosies,
Elephants and kangaroosies, roosies,
Children of the Lord.
It rained, it rained for forty daysies, daysies,
Rained, it rained for forty daysies, daysies,
Almost drove those children crazy, crazy,
Children of the Lord.
The sun came out and dried up the landy, landy,
Sun came out and dried up the landy, landy,