Piedmont Boy Scouts California
The Friends of Scouting annual campaign is the major fundraiser for the Piedmont Council. Each Fall we ask our scouting families to help pay for the privilege of having our own council office here in Piedmont. Not merging with larger councils has allowed us to maintain a tremendous amount of local control and direct community involvement in our programs. Fees that families pay their Packs, Troops and Crews cover only the cost of National fees and their own unit activities. None of those funds support the Piedmont council. We estimate the cost of maintaining the council office at $500 per year per Scout/Cub and $100 per year per Venturer/Explorer. We ask that families consider a donation of $300 per Cub/Boy Scout and $100 per Venturer/Explorer. If families are unable to support the council at this level, we ask them to make a gift according to their means. Gifts can be made in installments by check or credit card.
Check out this video, produced and directed by Star Scout, Griffin Lymburn, age 15, a member of Piedmont Troop 1, who has lived in Piedmont for his entire life. He enjoys skiing and camping (at 10, he backpacked 50 miles on the John Muir Trail with his father), but his real passion is film-making and photography. Griffin has been directing and doing cinematography since he was 10 years old, and he currently has two listings on IMDb, one of which is a position on a feature film.
Donate today! Our goal is 100% participation from our scouting families. All annual gifts to the council are tax deductible, and corporate matching may be available at your company.
Send your donation directly to the council at: