San Francisco Boy Scouts California
The minimum group size to participate is 25 people. The maximum group size we can currently accommodate is 48.
We require an adult/child ratio of 1:6, and a minimum of 7 adults with any-sized group. Some groups have stricter requirements for overnight camp-outs (e.g. Cub Scouts, 1:1). In such cases you must adhere to your organization's rules.
The cost to participate in an overnight encampment is a flat fee of $1, 100 for up to 25 participants, (add $44 per person for 26-48 participants) Friday - Sunday nights, or weeknights flat fee of $725 for up to 25 people (add $29 per person for 26-48 participants) on Monday-Thursday nights.
Participants in the program will:
- Receive overnight accommodations on board the World War II submarine USS Pampanito, sleeping in bunks in the original crew's quarters.
- Will listen to a pre-recorded audio tour on board, featuring World War II submarine veterans describing the operation and history of the submarine.
- Have the rare opportunity to visit areas of the submarine normally off limits to our daily visitors, including the conning tower-our knowledgeable staff can provide inside information on the many different systems and pieces of equipment aboard the submarine.
- Receive basic instruction on submarine history and operation through pier side activities.
- Will earn a certificate commemorating their overnight stay.
A deposit of the program minimum cost is due within 60 days of making your reservation. This amount will be applied towards the total fee for your group. Any remaining balance will be due when you arrive for your stay. Failure to pay the deposit by the due date will result in cancellation of your reservation and transfer of your reserved date to another group on our cancellation waiting list!Make Deposit Check Payable To SFMNPA And Mail Deposit/Contract To:
SFMNPA ATTN: Alice Watts
P.O. Box 470310
San Francisco, CA
Please note your group’s name and date of visit on your check!
Changing the date of your program less than 60 days prior to the current program date will incur a $100 date-change fee. Changes with more than 60 days ’ notice will not incur a penalty. Cancellation of a program less than 60 days prior to the program date will hold the group responsible for the full cost of the program minimum. Cancellation with more than 60 days’ notice will not require full payment of the program minimum, but will still forfeit the non-refundable $100 deposit. Notice of cancellation must be made and acknowledged in writing.On very rare occasions, inclement weather may cause conditions hazardous enough to necessitate closure of the boat. In such cases every effort will be made to provide scheduled groups with advance notice so that they can reschedule their visit or, if they choose, cancel altogether and receive a full refund of their deposit. The Maritime Park Association will not be responsible for any other inconveniences or consequences arising from the cancellation of a group's visit.
You are required to furnish the following:
- A Tour Permit or other trip authorization form.
- A current, valid insurance certificate. If your group is a California Boy Scouts of America group we may have a copy of your Council office’s Certificate of Insurance on file. Please call to verify. (Important: The Certificate of Insurance should be in the amount of $1 million for bodily injury and property damage, and should list the San Francisco Maritime National Park Association as an additional insured.)
- Complete Medical and Liability forms for ALL participants (these can be found in the Overnight Encampment Manual).
- Signed acknowledgement of the Safety Procedures and Rules Of Conduct. This form is also located in the Manual and due on the day of the program.
- A Hold Harmless form signed by the group leader. This is located on the last page of your contract and should be sent in by the contract due date.