Scout California
Scout from University of California is a SAPEP program that develops and delivers A-G approved, online classes and curriculum to students around the globe. Our course materials are designed to inspire lifelong curiosity and prepare pupils of all backgrounds and education levels for an increasingly technological world where training and job skills are mobile, asynchronous, and self-directed.
SAPEP Mission
The University of California’s Student Academic Preparation and Educational Partnerships (SAPEP) programs seek to raise student achievement levels generally and to close achievement gaps between groups of students throughout the K-20 pipeline. The goal of SAPEP programs is to work in partnership with K-12, the business sector, community organizations, and other institutions of higher education, so that a higher proportion of California’s young people, including those who are first-generation, socioeconomically disadvantaged, and English-language learners, are prepared for postsecondary education, pursue graduate and professional school opportunities, and achieve success in the workplace.
Scout's Mission
Scout’s mission is to reach out to educationally disadvantaged students across the state, raising achievement levels and closing achievement gaps between groups of students. Every SAPEP program works to achieve this goal in different ways, and Scout’s focus is on offering high school and middle school classes online.