April 25, 2019

Utah Boy Scouts California Camps
Incorporated throughout the course are a wide variety of games and activities that build individual skills and confidence, and also builds a patrol into a strong team. Scouting is a boy-led program, and this helps put the "boy" more strongly in charge.
The course is directed by a staff of youth leaders and instructors who work closely with their adult advisers. Scouts and their patrols get an opportunity to practice and experience leadership skills first-hand.
Scouts who have completed the National Youth Leader Training course return to their troops with a toolbox of leadership skills that enables them to better understand their role as someone who can and should shape the direction of his troop.
"Each Scout returns home knowing not only how the troop functions, but why, " said John Walker, a Scoutmaster at the Houston pilot course. "He is better equipped to communicate with boys and adults, to plan, to help the troop function as a high-performance unit."