Boy Scouts California camping list
California Bigfoot Encounter Brief Listings
North Fork, Madera County, California
1999 No evidence was found to support alleged Sasquatch footprints. Photos of tracker confirmed distorted bear tracks might be seen here.
Boulevard, California
1999 (San Diego County) No evidence was found to support rumors of a Sasquatch recently reported by the BFRO.
Lake Arrowhead, San Bernardino County, California
March, 2000 the trail of tracks reported were long very narrow human not Sasquatch tracks.
Paradise & Sterling City, Butte County, California
April 16, 1969: Robert L Behme and wife of Magalia, California see a sasquatch crossing the road between Paradise and Sterling City, California. [full story]
Mendicino County/Ft. Bragg
1977: JS reports hearing dogs chasing a bipedal creature through the woods along Little Lake Road and the discovery of other animals found disemboweled. [full story]
Crescent City, Del Norte County, California
August, 1995: Vacationing truck driver and wife watch as Sasquatch holding sea weed in his hands disappears across the hiway into the woods from the beach with black sand. Observer wishes to make contact with the other observer in the other car. [full story]
North Fork, Yuba-Feather River - Plumas County, California
Sean Fries is stalked while camping on the Yuba-Feather River between La Porte & Quincy in Northern California. His 95 lb Pit Bull cowers inside the tent and a odorous stench was smelled throughout the entire encounter. [full story]
Plumas National Forest, Plumas County, California
Near Bucks Lake in the Granite Basin On October 17, 1998, campers report hearing something walk around their campsite during the night and the following night they heard the much reported bigfoot howl approx two miles off the distance.
Inyo National Forest
August 4, 1996: At 10:00 in the morning, women campers on East Lake reported a large bipedal creature, 8 to 9 tall, dark moving swiftly up on a ridge above the lake level approx, 300 yds from where they were.
Eureka, Humboldt County, California
Marci Honstead sees the head and shoulders of Bigfootoutside her bedroom window during an electrical storm. Approx.1982.
Yosemite, Mariposa County California
Todd Wilheim reported a road-crossing sighting of two Bigfoot creatures on the Eastern Slope of the Sierras in August of 1998.
Mammoth Mountain, Modoc County California
Bikers report a dawn sighting near the tram at the base of the winter ski resort in July of 1998.
Lake Crowley, Mono County, California
Fisherman report being watched by a tall hairy creature from the banks as they fished in the twilight hours of September, 1997. Campers noticed a similarly described creature while cooking breakfast earlier that same month, Sept, 1997.
Weitchpec, Humboldt County, California
August 1958. Road builders Ray Wallace and Jerry Crew find 16-inch BF tracks all around a parked Caterpillar Tractor 20 miles *south of Weitchpec* [sic] just South of Bluff Creek. The tracks reappear a month later and plaster casts are taken. Weekly thereafter, Jerry sees Bigfoot tracks going from Northwest to Southeast on the same logging road. Ray Wallace finds human-like droppings the size of those a 1200 pound horse would make. Wilbur Wallace, Ray's brother, finds a full 55 gallon oil drum carried to the edge of the road and thrown down the hill. He also finds a 20 foot length of 18" culvert carried some distance away and a 700 pound tire & wheel for a "carry all" which had been rolled for a quarter mile and hurled into a ravine.
August 7, 1960. Bob Titmus finds 2 sets of BF tracks walking along a road 9 miles south of Weitchpec, near Hoopa tracking towards Willow Creek.
Hoopa and Bluff Creek, California
1958. A woman and her daughter see a large and small Bigfoot on a hillside above Hoopa Valley just Northwest of Willow Creek.
1962 - Enis Schofield described how his fencing was torn down fencepost by fencepost the week after it was erected nearby the Bluff Creek Resort. Each post was pulled up out of its concrete piling in the ground which Schofield said required unheard of strength and was probably done because it blocked a pathway the Big Feet people used to reach the creek every night. Pointing toward the hillside, he told Betty Allen, "They come down the hill there, you can see their tracks and they seem to go down to...