Grand Canyon Council Boy Scouts California
“Adventure, ” he said, “Is when you do something for the first time. Fun is when you repeat the adventure and still enjoy it. And romance is the spirit of Scouting, the classy experiences that tie you to the program. Romance keeps you coming back for more fun and adventure.”
My most recent post was entitled “The Romance of Scouting.” In the article, I noted that the “romance of Scouting” is the spirit of Scouting that motivates and inspires us to keep doing it. The romance of Scouting is the special experiences, whether one-of-a-kind or a repeat of fun experiences, that stand out in the mind as being truly rewarding, enjoyable, and memorable.” I invite you to read the entire article:
In the article I touch on Wood Badge and the joy of being an Antelope, singing, “I used to be a Beaver …”, Scouting in Santa Barbara, California, earning the Silver Beaver Award, Camp Bartlett in Idaho, helping pioneer the Varsity Scouting program, mountain men, and a lot more. I even talk about my debut as a weather man! All romantic Scouting subjects …!
And while we are on the subject, I invite you to also check out some of the other articles. You might find them interesting. Most of them come from my years of personal journals and are excerpts from my Scouting Trails book, “Mr. Scoutmaster!”.
Well, there you have them … several articles about the “Fun, adventure and romance of Scouting”. Check them out! Read what you can or wish to and share this article and the references with your best Scouting friends! And feel free to comment on any or all of them. It is always nice to get feedback and to know that articles are being read. There is more in Scouting than the romance. There is also a lot of fun and adventure!
And if these are not enough, here are a few more options for you, as published on blog site that gets published to many Scouting councils in the Western United States.

Many of the articles that I have posted on this site have excerpts from my Scouting Trails books, “Gnubie to Eagle Scout” and “Keys to Successful Scouting”. No matter what your Scouting position, or whether you are an adult or youth leader, you might enjoy these or even find them helpful. And “Gnubie to Eagle Scout” is particularly applicable for youth in Scouting. “Gnubie” tells specifically about my own Scouting adventures as a young Scout in the old Theodore Roosevelt Council (now known as the Grand Canyon Council, Boy Scouts of America) in Arizona. And of course, the “10 Keys to Successful Scouting” applies everywhere – youth and adult in the Scouting program.
Much of the material presented derives from my 150 or so volumes of my personal journals that I have kept over my lifetime in Scouting. So, you kind of get to experience Scouting firsthand—as it happened—the lessons and the fun, adventure and romance of Scouting. I invite you to check these out and share them with your Scouting friends everywhere. And I would invite you to “like” them or comment on them. I’d love to hear back from you!