Sam Houston Area Council Boy Scouts California
Theme: Go For The Gold
Utah National Parks Council
Props: Cubmaster can select any sport and use appropriate equipment as props throughout this ceremony.
Cubmaster: The first thing an athlete learns is the basic rules of his chosen sport. When a Cub first enters the Pack, he learns the Bobcat Trail, which gives him the first knowledge he must know to move up the Cub Scout Path.
Will the following boys and their parents please come forward.
Present the Bobcat Awards to parents
to present to their sons. Lead Cheer.
Asst CM: When a boy has learned the basic rules of his game, he must work closely with a coach to begin to improve his play. Our Tigers have worked with their Adult Partners on the Family, Den and Go See It parts of their achievements.
(Present the Tiger Awards to parents
to present to their sons. Lead Cheer.
CM: When a boy has learned the basic rules of his game, he then begins to practice the skills needed to play. He becomes familiar with the sports equipment. Our Wolves have worked on achievements and arrow points as they continue to develop their Cub Scout skills.
(Present the Wolf Awards to parents
to present to their sons. Lead Cheer.
Asst CM: The athlete is now ready to concentrate on improving his athletic skills. Our Bear is like the athlete who increases his knowledge to become more proficient in his game.
Will the following boys and their parents please come forward?
(Present the Bear Awards to parents
to present to their sons. Lead Cheer.
CM: Once the rules have been well learned and the skills have been mastered, the athlete is now ready to advance to a higher level of skill, which involves the mental strategy used to fine tune their playing skills. Both physical and mental skills are part of the learning experience of the boys in the Webelos rank.
(Present the Webelos Activity or Rank Awards to parents
to present to their sons. Lead Cheer.
Asst CM: As our ceremony concludes, we recognize the progress our Cubs have made this past month. The dedicated athlete recognizes the many accomplishments he made this past month and the many abilities he has developed within himself.
CM: He has learned the basic rules and he is dedicated to the practices that develop his ability. The mature athlete has become confident in his ability to play the game, and becomes a leader who shares his knowledge and skills with others on this team.
All these traits belong to the boys in our Pack as we see them progress from month to month and year to year. We are proud of these boys and the leaders who guide them along the Cub Scout Trail.
Lead one more cheer!!!
Advancement Ceremony
Grand Teton Council
SETTING: Cubmaster (CM) and Assistant Cubmaster (CA) in sports or exercise clothes. Sports and exercise equipment placed on stage for atmosphere.
CM: There are many ways to step into shape. They range from personal exercise to team sports to international competition. All must be started slowly, done on a regular basis, and be challenging to the abilities.
CA: The Cub Scout program includes physical fitness as an important part of it. Each rank has requirements that challenge, but not overwhelm the boys according to their ages.
CM: A good physical shape also requires a good mental shape. Stepping into shape is like stepping up the Scouting trail. They both make you look and feel better and they can both be fun. Tonight we are going to honor some boys who have begun taking those steps into shape and up the Scouting trail.
CA: Will the following Cub Scouts and their coaches, parents, flex your muscles and step into the gym.
(Reads names of new Bobcats)
CM: The Bobcat is like a person just beginning to get into shape; he is unsure of what to do and how to do it. However, he has made that most important first step. Parents, your sons have earned the first rank of Cub Scouts, the Bobcat, and I would like you to present their badges to them.
(Gives parents badges to give to boys.)
CA: The next step has been taken by several boys to better their condition and advance them along the Scouting trail.
The gym is ready to have the following Cub Scouts and their parents step up.
(Reads names of new Tigers)
CM: These boys have gone beyond the beginning of their programs. While much is still new, they are making advancements everyday. They are following the program set up by their coaches and trainers and they have earned the second rank in Cub Scouting, the Wolf Rank. Parents, I am honored to give you these badges to present to your sons. (Gives parents badges.)
(Continue along with the Wolf, Bear and Webelos Scouts.)
Sam Houston Area Council
Make a tiered Olympic winner’s platform from heavy boxes and place it in the front of the audience. (Test for sturdiness ahead of time.)
CM: In the Olympics, athletes from all around the world compete for medals. They all DO THEIR BEST.
CA: Today we have several Cub Scouts who have taken on the challenge of the achievements and electives for advancement. They, like the Olympic athletes, have done their best.
One at a time, call the boys who are receiving badges of rank, arrow points, and activity badges forward to stand on the top box of the winner’s platform. Parents stand on the lower boxes.
CM: It is my pleasure to present you with your winner’s symbol.
Awards could be fastened to gold medals hung on a ribbon. The Cubmaster gives the medals to the parents, who place them around their sons’ necks.
CA: The important thing to remember is that anyone who does his best is a winner. Lead a Cheer
Sam Houston Area Council
This ceremony has a great outline but it needs a little filling in – Awarding of badges to parents, cheers, and individual recognition. Don’t forget all those good things every time you do a ceremony. CD