Boys Scouts California Handbook

BSA Wilderness Camp - Huntington Lake
Kaiser Wilderness High Adventure
Batey Sailing Academy
Camp Kern, PO Box 348, Lakeshore, CA 93634; Camp Website;
Located near Sierra Summit Ski Resort on Huntington Lake
Three Scouting Programs located at one camp on one of the most famous sailing lakes in California. Situated at 7000 foot elevation in the high Sierras, Camp Kern features a traditional scout camp experience surrounded by a wide range of nature and wildlife.
Camp Kern borders a wilderness area and features a great hike day adventure. Other activities include aquatics, boating, shooting ranges, fishing. Their Advanced Camper Program (ACE) features swimming, horsemanship, day hikes, mountain biking, sailing, rock climbing and shooting.
High Adventure Team
Make adventure a central part of your scout program, and not only will the boys stay, but leadership and advancement will follow.
High adventure scouting base camp of the Los Angeles Area Council located in the Inyo National Forest at 9640 foot elevation. The camp is near the Tioga Pass Road on the eastern slopes of the Sierra Nevada bordering the Hoover Wilderness and Yosemite National Park. COPE Course and one-week backpacking trips into the Yosemite Wilderness. 18 preplanned trek itineraries available that include peak climbing, day hikes, rock climbing, trail cooking, Ranger Training, great fishing and peak bagging.
Log Cabin Wilderness Camp - Inyo [LAAC]
High adventure scouting base camp of the Los Angeles Area Council located in the Inyo National Forest at 9640 foot elevation. The camp is near the Tioga Pass Road on the eastern slopes of the Sierra Nevada bordering the Hoover Wilderness and Yosemite National Park.