Boy Scouts California Life rank

Stan Hadley, Scoutmaster
I was born and raised in Lynwood California. I graduated from USC. I am a roofing contractor/building inspector and teach at Fullerton College. I am married to Beverly Hadley and have a son Collin and 4 step-children: Cassey, Mardell, Nick and Brent. Brent and Nick are both proud Eagle Scouts. I have been involved with Scouting for approximately 18 years. I am a Wood Badger (Bear). I am a Silver Beaver Society member. I serve as LBAC Training Chair and International Representative. I have been to Philmont 4 times. I am associated with Troop 303 and Crew 181.
Beverly Hadley
My name is Beverly Hadley, and I am the District Advancement Chair for Polaris District. I am also the Advancement Chair for Troop 303 and the Unit Treasurer. I have been in scouting since 1997 and I have two sons who have earned the rank of Eagle, and one son who is a Life Scout. I am Wood Badge trained and I am very proud to be a Bobwhite. I am also proud to be in the Order of the Arrow, which is new to Long Beach Area Council. I love the program and look forward to many more years of scouting. Happy scouting!Kimberly Johnson
My name is Kimberly Johnson. I have been in Scouting since October 2010. I am the Secretary of the troop. I am also in charge of fundraising. I am a single mother of two. I work at Stater Brothers Market. I just love being a scout mom.
Laurel Cross
I am a member of the troop committee. My son, Josh, is a Life Scout and OA Rep. He is very active in the unit. My husband is also an A.S.M. I am Wood Badge trained (Eagle). I am also Trainer's EDGE trained. I am very excited about this troop and its leadership, and try to participate as much as possible, even though we live a good distance away
Floyd Bell, Jr.
I am unit Chaplain and Religious Emblem Unit Coordinator. I been in our unit for 5 years. I enjoy spending time with all the kids and I consider them my kids. I really enjoyed going to summer camp to the American River up in Northern California. My Son is Floyd Bell and he has reach the rank of Life. Floyd is member of the OA. I am really proud of him. I am looking forward to what our troop has planned for 2015.
Gaby LeonHello! My name is Gaby Leon and I am a registered committee member for Troop 303. I am also a member of the Order of the Arrow. I am Wood Badge trained and a proud "Beaver" critter. I have helped staff NYLT, OA Ordeal and BALOO to name a few. I have two sons that are both Life Scouts and a daughter in Girl Scouts. I am also associated with Crew 181. I truly love Scouting and dedicate a great deal of time to help enrich the program for the youth!
I've been involved in Scouting since I was 10 years old, when my dad was my scoutmaster. I re-entered the world of scouting when my son showed interest and decided to become a cub scout in 2010. Since joining his first unit, Pack 23, we've since become members of the Pack 62 family, having bridged out to our current family, Troop 303. It has been a wonderful journey for my son as well as myself, having progressed from a
volunteer parent, to having held the roles of Webmaster, Friends Of Scouting representative, Assistant Cubmaster, Unit Commissioner, Council Pow-Wow Representative, University of
Scouting Chair and a proud Order Of The Arrow arrowman of the Puvunga Lodge. I've received several awards for my volunteer efforts in scouting, but none more special than my most recent award- the 2015 District Award of Merit. It has been the most fulfilling 4 ½ years of my life, and I look forward to continuing this journey for as long as the good lord let's me!