Boy Scouts California square knots
Boy Scout Troop 484 of Bakersfield, California is an active camping and backpacking troop that emphasizes leadership, advancement, and scouting skills. We have been part of the Meridian District of the Southern Sierra Boy Scout Council since Mark and Kim Humphrey started us in October, 1992. We always schedule a variety of exciting outdoor activities each year in addition to our regular weekly meetings.
We have about 35 scouts, who range in age from 11 to 17 years, and a very active committee of adult leaders to support our many activities. We meet every Monday (except for Holidays and Vacation days) in the multi-purpose room of Leo B. Hart Elementary School which is located in southwest Bakersfield at 9501 Ridge Oak Drive, about two blocks east of Old River Road. Our meetings run from 7:15 to 8:30 PM.
Please feel free to visit any of our meetings, and any young man aged 11 to 17 is welcome to become a Boy Scout and join our Troop. Young men and women in High School have the option of joining Adventure Crew 442, which is closely associated with our troop. Also, several of our younger scouts bridged over from Cub Packs 484 (Hart Elementary School), 38 (St. Johns Lutheran Church), 100 (Centennial Elementary School), and 400 (Liberty High School), which meet at various locations around Bakersfield.
If you would like find out more about our troop please contact the Troop Committee Chairman Mike Clark at 661-323-6555, or click the moving letter icon to send us an email.