December 18, 2017

Boy Scouts California Aviation merit Badge

Young Eagle Rides at Flabob are given by
EAA Chapter One, every month except August and December, on the Saturday immediately preceding the second Sunday. Over 14, 000 Young Eagles rides have been given, almost one percent of all Young Eagles rides in the nation. If you or your child would like to experience the wonder of flight, call Kathy Rohm at 951 683-2309 to schedule a ride.The Tom Wathen Center provides formal instruction in conjunction with the Young Eagles program
in preparation for the flight experience. The students, enrolled for Young Eagles, average about 600-800 annually.Regular curriculum: Airplane pre-flight inspection and preparation; airport taxi and flight patterns and rules; introduction to theory of flight; aircraft controls and instruments. (Note: students who are Boy Scouts are given additional instruction qualifying them for an aviation merit badge.)
Regular Faculty. Tiffany Felton; Wesley Blasjo, California teaching and administrative credentials, former principal, Flabob Airport Preparatory Academy; Al Gester, M.S., Lt. Col. USAF (Ret.), former instructor, Emery-Riddle Aeronautical University.