Boy Scouts California training Patch
The Boy Scout Handbook promises each boy an exciting, challenging, year-round program of hiking and camping. Where to begin? What to do?
The objectives of this High Adventure training are to provide the adult Scouter with a basic understanding of how to plan and conduct outdoor activities, to stimulate your participation and leadership at the Unit level, and to inform you of the many programs and activities of the GLAAC-HAT. While the emphasis is on backpacking, the training, in two parts, is generally applicable to all types of outdoor activity.
The first part, a seminar from Friday evening through mid-day Sunday, is conducted as a series of discussions and demonstrations. The full range of outdoor topics, including leadership, planning and preparation, conditioning, equipment and clothing, menus and cooking, risk and safety, orienteering, route finding and mountain travel, conservation, outdoor courtesy, and long term planning, are covered. The importance of training and transferring leadership to your Scouts is stressed. High Adventure program awards are displayed and the requirements for earning them are discussed. Clothing and equipment are exhibited and demonstrated. The many forms and permits required by the BSA and the agencies which administer outdoor locales are discussed and samples are provided. The importance of understanding and following the BSA and other agencies' rules regarding outdoor activities is stressed. Books, maps, and other materials which are needed for planning an outing are discussed. A representative of the USDA-FS typically attends, to discuss its volunteer program for forest and trail conservation.
The second part is a weekend field trip in the local mountains. You practice the skills and use the equipment which were discussed at the conference. This trip will be a backpack in the range of 5-7 miles, round trip. Each person is responsible for providing their own equipment and clothing needed for the trip.
Completion of this training earns the Scouter recognition as a Backpack Leader and the award of a special patch. Completion of this training is a requirement for earning the High Adventure Leader Award.
Prerequisites: As this is the introductory program to High Adventure training, there are no prerequisites to attendance.
Fees: A nominal fee is charged. The fee covers meals, lodging, course materials, and patch.
Southern California is basically a desert with a few mountain ranges scattered across it for variety. Numerous opportunities for hiking and camping in one of its three desert regions - Sonora, Mojave, and Great Basin - are literally at our doorstep.
The objectives of this High Adventure training are to provide the adult Scouter with an understanding and appreciation of the uniqueness and special qualities of the desert environment and to emphasize those backpacking skills that are essential to having a safe and enjoyable experience. This High Adventure training consists of a Saturday seminar and a weekend field trip to Joshua Tree National Park.
The seminar is conducted as a series of demonstrations and presentations. They consider the unique, harsh reality of the desert, and cover: special equipment and clothing needs; menu planning; desert travel and route finding; water requirements and conservation; safety and first aid. Equipment and other needs for vehicles which are used for outings in the desert are described.
The weekend field trip provides the opportunity to demonstrate these specific skills in the desert. This trip will be a backpack of about 5 miles, round trip, to a dry campsite. You will have the opportunity to climb a nearby peak. Each person is responsible for providing their own equipment and clothing needed for the trip.
Completion of this training is recognized by the award of a special patch. Completion of this training is a requirement for earning the High Adventure Leader Award.
Prerequisites: It is recommended that participants have completed Adult Leaders Backpack Training.
Fees: A nominal fee is charged.
Winter brings a special stillness to the local mountains. The year-round camper knows that the pests of summer - insects, small animals, other people - have gone to ground for the season. While the snowy peaks may appear close and inviting, that same camper also knows that the weather and trail conditions require special preparation, skills, and equipment.
The objectives of this training are to provide the adult Scouter with an understanding of the winter environment and to emphasize those backpacking skills which are necessary to ensure a safe and enjoyable outing. This High Adventure training consists of a Saturday seminar and a weekend field trip in the local mountains.
The seminar is conducted as a series of presentations and demonstrations. The emphasis is on preparing for, and dealing with, a mountainous winter environment, be it rain, cold, snow, or some combination. Equipment and clothing necessary for these conditions are demonstrated. Sessions cover: the physical demands of winter conditions; snow travel hazards and equipment needs; health and safety; navigation and route finding; menus; food and water needs; and personal clothing and equipment. The desirability of having a "Plan B" and the necessity of providing for unexpected changes in the weather or trail conditions are explained.
The weekend field trip provides the opportunity to demonstrate these specific skills in a winter environment. This trip will be a backpack of about 5 miles, round trip, in the local mountains under snow conditions. Snowshoes will be worn while backpacking. Each person is responsible for obtaining the specialized equipment and clothing needed for the trip.
Prerequisites: Participants in this training must have completed Adult Leaders Backpack Training or have backpacking experience acceptable to the Course Director.