Rare Boy Scouts California patches
If you know anything about how the poultry industry works (and/or if you’ve seen the amazing Dirty Jobs segment that’s embedded above — if you haven’t seen it before, it’s definitely worth watching), then you know that baby chicks are separated by gender very soon after being hatched, so that the females can be sent to egg farms. The process of determining girl chick from a…
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Where do Boy Scouts California Patch go?
History Park, San Jose (Click for History Park Website) 1650 Senter Road, San José, CA 95112 (Click for Map) Scout-O-Rama Kick-off (two locations: ) Please register for the kick-off here 10:00am to 11:30am Salinas Elks Lodge 466 Airport Blvd., Salinas, CA 93905 Design the Scout-O-Rama patch that everyone will wear Click here to print the patch design form and turn in your winning…
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Boy Scout California Patch trading
Beware of sending a Scout on the National Jamboree and Tour. Every time, a vicious disease spreads rampantly across the encampment of 30 to 40 thousand Scouts. Its proper medical name is: Patchous Tradeamongous. Once bitten, there is little relief but to get out there and patch trade with the masses. The itch will get you going, the fever will make you crazy, and the antidote…
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Boy Scout California Jamboree patches
The 1969 National Jamboree in Pictures Courtesy of Skip Cramond, Bettendorf, IA Member of BSA Troop 211, Highland, CA: 1965-1969. Troop 211 s first Eagle Scout (along with 2 others): 1967. Jamboree Troop 3, Southern California, was created from combined Arrowhead Area and Grayback Council Scouts (today these Councils are part of the California Inland Empire Council). 1969 Jambo:…
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