Where do Boy Scouts California Patch go?
History Park, San Jose (Click for History Park Website)
1650 Senter Road, San José, CA 95112 (Click for Map)
Scout-O-Rama Kick-off (two locations: )
Please register for the kick-off here
10:00am to 11:30am
Salinas Elks Lodge
466 Airport Blvd., Salinas, CA 93905
Design the Scout-O-Rama patch that everyone will wear!!!
Click here to print the patch design form and turn in your winning design.
What is Scout-O-Rama?
Scout-O-Rama is a large outdoor event where Scouting groups in our local community showcase games, crafts, activities, skills and more. All-in-all there are typically over 200 booths or activities at the yearly event, which amazes over 6, 000 visitors.
Imagine thousands of scouts from all four counties coming together to show off the best of what Scouting has to offer to the community!
Scout leaders will leave Scout-O-Rama with months of activity ideas for their Troops, Crews or Packs. Scouts will leave with their heads spinning, full of the fun and amazing opportunities the Scouting program offers. Family members will leave happy, knowing that Scouting will make a difference in their child’s life.
Ticket Sales
Scouting units sell Scout-O-Rama ticket cards which will grant a family gate admission to the event, but card sales will earn money for you Scouting unit!
Scout-O-Rama Card (North County)
Scout-O-Rama Card (South Counties)
List of Vendors Locations for the card
Scout-O-Rama Power Point Presentation
Ticket Sales Agreement
Units earn a 30% commission ($3 for every ticket sold) on all sales! This can add up to hundreds of dollars very quickly! The $10 Ticket Cards are good for Scout-O-Rama entry for a family. Parking fees are not included.
Awesome Prizes for every Scout who sells!
Unit Prize Order Form
2017 Prize Information
- 30% commission rate means $3 per card sold
- Every scout that sells at least 1 card, received a 2017 Scout-O-Rama patch
- For every 3 cards sold, the Scout receives $1 in Scout bucks (terms and conditions apply)
- Each Scout who sells 15 cards receives ……………….
- Each Scout who sells 25 cards receives ……………….
- For every 50 cards sold the Scout receives …………………..
- The youth that sells the most cards over the campaign will be the Grand Marshall of the opening parade
Booth Map and Information
Every Scouting unit in the council has the opportunity to host a booth at the event. It is a fun way to show off skills, crafts, games, activities and more with other local Scouting units. We encourage every one of our packs, troops, crews and explorer posts to host a booth!
We encourage all Scouting units to host a booth at Scout-O-Rama.
Booth Signup Form & Online Booth Registration
Current Booth Map
Some popular booths include:
- Box Hockey
- Marshmallow Shooting
- Raingutter Regatta
- Water Rockets
- Paracord Bracelets
- Backpacking
- Mountaineering
- Emergency Rescue
- Monkey Bridge
- Rope Making
- Tomahawk Throwing
- And hundreds more…
Do you have or know a business that could benefit from advertising to the Scouting community?
The souvenir program is distributed to over 6, 000 event participants.
Pricing for color ads:
- $250 – business card
- $500 – quarter page
- $750 – half page
- $1, 000 – full page