May 12, 2018

Boy Scouts California Store Lexington KY
It is the philosophy of the Camp Committee to employ a staff whose primary occupation is in education and who support Orthodox principles. Thus the camp is guided by leaders who understand the needs of Orthodox youth.
The camp director for this year is Perry Skaggs. Perry has been a part of our camping ministry for many years. With an excellent staff and enthusiastic volunteer counselors, he runs a well-rounded program for campers to enjoy.

Perry Skaggs - Director
- home parish: Saint Sophia, Los Angeles, California
- school: California State University, Dominguez Hills
- major/degree: Physical Education
- age: 42
- occupation/interests: Head Football Coach Flintridge Prep
- years attending camp: 28 / 16 on Staff
- positions held at camp: Counselor, Assistant Cook, Assistant to the Director, Arts and Crafts Director, Boys Director, Director
Steve Skrumbis - Assistant Director
- home parish: St. Katherine - Redondo Beach, CA
- school: California State Dominguez Hills
- major/degree: Master, Educational Administration
- age: 35
- occupation/interests: Taper Avenue Elementary School
- years attending camp: Camper for 8 years, Counselor for 2 years, 1 year on Staff
- positions held at camp: Assistant Director (for 2008)
- Comments:
I have worked for the Los Angeles Unified School District for 12 years as a 5th grade teacher, 2nd grade teacher, and now currently Director of Magnet school. I was Program Director for the Pilgrim Summer Day Camp for two years.Hobbies and interests include sports, traveling, spending time with my kids.
Billy Ballas - Boy's Director
- home parish: Saint Katherine, Redondo Beach, California
- school: Cal Poly State University, San Luis Obispo
- major/degree: BA in Communications Studies
- age: 23
- occupation/interests: coaching, representative, and treasurer for the Greek Orthodox Basketball League, Assitant to the priest in the altar, St. Sophia Camp Golf Committee member from 2000 - present, St. Anthony's Festival Committee from 2001 - present, St. Sophia Camp Program Commitee 2004 - present
- years attending camp: Camper...