Boy Scouts California Store San Leandro
The San Francisco Bay Area Council offers a number of hiking programs for Scouts of all ages. The Trail Trekkers program is great for Tigers, Cub Scuots and Webelos. Rim of the Bay and Sunol to Del Valle make great outings for Boy Scouts and Venturing Scouts.
Trail Trekkers
The Trail Trekkers Program offers a series of hikes which are located throughout the Bay Area that can be completed by Cub Scout age boys from 6-11 years and their families. These are opportunities for outdoor adventures, some of which are more physically demanding while others can be completed by any age group.
Rim Rovers
The purpose of the RIM OF THE BAY patch program is to encourage hiking and to bring into the lives of our Scouts a "mountain top" experience. There are six Mountains that surround our area that you hike up. When you finish the first mountain you get a patch and a "rocker" with the name of the mountain. Rockers are awarded for each additional hike completed. All of these trips can be accomplished in a single day. There are camping sites at or near most if your plans include an overnight camp experience. For Boy Scouts, this activity can contribute to the Tenderfoot Rank, the Backpacking, Camping, and Hiking Merit Badges; and Forester, Geologist, Outdoorsman, and Traveler for Webelos. These hikes are not approved for Cub Scout use.
Secure (where available) the park folder which shows trails and also gives a short history of the area. For example, the Mt. Diablo folder states, "From here, you can see parts of 35 of California's 58 counties - the view is unsurpassed except by that from 19, 000-foot Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa." The park folder also includes natural history and a listing of mammals, reptiles, and plant life. Try to make your trip a "hike with a purpose" other than the earning of the patch.
Please instruct your Scouts on the need to observe and obey the regulations that are in effect in National, State, and Regional Parks. On some trips you will be given the courtesy of passing across private property. Please repay these people's trust by keeping the area free of litter, respecting their property, and leaving the gates as you find them. Clean up and pack out any litter you may come upon. Perpetuate the good turn ideal. You will probably eat your lunch at or near the summit; be sure all bags, cans, etc., are packed out with you.
Where it is necessary to cross highways, have your Scouts line up along the side of the road and when clear and upon signal, have the entire line cross at one time. Avoid stragglers or having individuals or small groups crossing at intervals.
If everyone helps keep the record of Scouts' use a superior one, this will be a happy and satisfactory experience, and it remains that way for all Scouts who follow.
Hiking Resources
This is a partial list of books which will make your trip better. Your library may have others which we have missed.
Hiking Guides
An Outdoor Guide to the San Francisco Bay AreaDorothy L. Whitnah - Wilderness Press - Berkeley
(Mt. St. Helena, Mt. Diablo, Mission Peak, Mt. Tamalpais) East Bay Trails
Bob Newey - Footloose Press - Hayward
(Mt. Diablo, Mission Peak) To Walk with a Quiet Mind
Nancy Olmstead - Sierra Club - San Francisco
University of California Press - Berkeley Native Trees of the San Francisco Bay Region Native Shrubs of the San Francisco Bay Region Spring Wildflowers of the San Francisco Bay Region California Spring Wildflowers - Phillipa A. Munz Nature Study Guild Pacific Coast Tree Finder Golden Field Guide Series Trees of North America Birds of North America Audubon Society Aububon Field Guide to North American Bird - Western EditionBSA Presidio Historic Trail Program
San Francisco Bay Area Council established the Presidio Historic Trail Program over four decades ago. The Boy Scout Historic Trail Program was first established when Scouting had an official campsite on Rob Hill, with the distinctive round Trail Award featuring the Spanish Captain in helmet. The shorter Cub Scout Trail day hike was established with its own patch featuring the view of the Golden Gate Bridge in the early 1980’s.
Even though the Rob Hill campsite sponsored by the Army is no longer available under the National Park Service, the council has continued to make the Cub Scout Trail and Boy Scout Trail patches available for the Scouts who have earned them. The patches are available for sale to unit leaders at the East Bay Scout Shop in San Leandro.
Cub Scout Historic Trail (approximately three and one-half miles)
Begin at Presidio Museum (originally an Army Hospital), and proceed southwest on Funston Avenue. Turn right and head northwest on Moraga Avenue, passing the Officers Club.
Turn right at the Flag Pole, observing the old cannons and the original Spanish Presidio Fort. Visit the Visitors Center on the Main Parade Ground (restrooms and interesting exhibits here).
Turn left on Sheridan Avenue, proceed west to Lincoln Blvd. Stop at San Francisco National Cemetery for prayer or meditation and acknowledgement of deceased veterans serving to our country.
Continue west on Lincoln Blvd., turn right on Crissy Field Avenue. Continue west on Crissy Field Avenue, underneath Doyle Drive Freeway, until it rejoins Lincoln Blvd.
Continue north on Lincoln Blvd., then turn right to hike north on Long Avenue and Marine Drive following the bay coast into Fort Point National Historic Site.
After visiting Fort Point (interesting exhibits and films here, and great views underneath the Golden Gate Bridge), hike south up to the Golden Gate Bridge Visitors Center.