Largest Boy Scouts California Troop

Wesley Center.
To celebrate this significant milestone, we are highlighting everything that has made our Troop successful. Troop 848 is Scout-led with many dedicated and well qualified Adult volunteers who generously give their time to guide the boys in their scouting journey.
Boy Scout Troop 848 celebrates 50 years
In the Fall of 1965, John Cornwell moved his family from California to the Clear Lake area. He was looking for a Boy Scout troop so his sons could continue their scouting activities. There were about 2000 people living in Clear Lake City at the time and there were no scout troops. He called the Sam Houston Area Council (SHAC) looking for a troop and they asked him if he'd like to start one. He said yes and Troop 848 formed.
Five decades later, Troop 848 is still thriving and is the largest boy-led Boy Scout troop in the greater Clear Lake area and it is also one of the larger troops in SHAC. Throughout the years the troop has only had 12 Scoutmasters. Currently, the troop has over 120 scouts and throughout its history, there have been 230 scouts who have earned the prestigious Eagle Scout rank. Troop 848 is fortunate to have many adult volunteers who donate countless hours each year to ensure the scouts have a successful scouting experience.
From its inception, Troop 848 has been sponsored by Clear Lake United Methodist Church. The troop is celebrating its Golden Anniversary this Fall and they are reaching out to former 848 scouts, scoutmasters, Eagles and troop volunteers to re-connect with the troop. Troop 848 is hosting a celebration dinner event at the church in the Wesley Center on Saturday, November 7th.
^^^ click the link. Our troop has awarded the Boy Scouts of America highest rank of Eagle Scout to over 200 young men in our 50 years. Eagle Scout photographs and profiles are linked where available.
^^^ click the link. In our 50 years only 12 have volunteered to serve as Scout Master with some serving in this adult leadership position more than once. Scout Master photographs and profiles are linked where available.
^^^ click the link. Many volunteers have stepped up to provide assistance and guidance to the scouts over the years. Here are the volunteers recognized and the awards bestowed by the BayShore District since 1963.
^^^ click the link. Now in existence for 50 years, Boy Scout Troop 848 continues to expand it outreach and scouting program for boys in the greater Clear Lake area. In order to meet our mission and to provide sustainable services to the scouts, we rely on the generosity of individuals, like you, for support. In recognition of our Golden Anniversary, Troop 848 has a goal to raise $10, 000 and we hope that you will be able to make a contribution.
Your generous donation will make a difference and all monies raised will be appropriately stewarded by the troop’s adult leadership team for Capital, Scholarship and General operating expenses for the troop. Every year, scholarships assist some scouts to go to summer and winter camps. Troop supplies, such as tents, camp stoves, lanterns, and chuck box supplies need to be replaced. Equipment and program supplies, such as life jackets, canoe paddles, wagons, and ropes for scout campouts and other scouting activities are purchased and/or upgraded. And, storage for the troop’s equipment and supplies at our host church are essential and must be maintained.
Remember that every donation makes a difference, regardless of size. Donations are tax deductible and may be made through this website or by check to the Troop. We are counting on your support!
Please consider making a monetary donation to enhance the Scouting Program via the "Donations" link above. A number of exciting and memorable events are underway for the Scouts of Troop 848. All donations are tax deductible and the Troop will send a receipt for your gift. Thank you in advance for your support.