Boy Scouts California uniform regulations
Over the past several years, many parents and community members have urged the District to adopt a uniform policy as a means of countering the influence of gangs, minimizing disruption and improving the learning environment. During the 1993-94 school year, the District tested student uniforms in eleven elementary and middle schools by implementing a "pilot" uniform policy at these schools. The pilot schools thus joined three other schools that had adopted uniform policies approximately three years ago. In evaluating these pilot programs, the District found that use of school uniforms enhanced school safety, improved the learning environment, reduced ethnic and racial tensions, bridged socioeconomic differences between children, promoted good behavior, improved children's self-respect and self-esteem, and produced cost savings for participating families. Schools with greater compliance levels tended to enjoy commensurately better results. Accordingly, as announced in January 1994, the District determined to extend the benefits of the program throughout the District by implementing a mandatory uniform policy for all elementary and middle schools for the 1994-95 school year. For each of the first three years of the mandatory uniform program, the District will comprehensively assess the policy, modifying it as appropriate.
All participating schools will separately determine the appropriate uniform, programs for financial assistance, incentives and compliance measures. In implementing the mandatory uniform policy, it is the expectation of the District that each school will work closely with members of its local community to structure site-based procedures responsive to the community's specific needs.
All elementary and middle schools in the Long Beach Unified School District shall implement, within the parameters set forth below, the mandatory uniform policy beginning with the 1994-95 school year. (The term "school" herein shall mean all elementary and middle schools.)
The mandatory uniform policy shall be effective in September of the 1994-95 school year.
A. It is the responsibility of district and school support staffs to adequately communicate to parents information common to all school sites, including general guidelines for enforcement of the uniform policy.
District administrators shall also work with schools to facilitate implementation of financial assistance programs (see Section V below).